Monday, October 5, 2009

updated. :)

i was going through some of my old issues of Guitar World Acoustic and i decided to read the one with Devendra Banhart on the cover. it's march issue 2007. the article "folk's freakiest" is amazing! they listed the 25 most influential folk artist of all time. anyway this guy..Davy Graham was on the top spot. i youtubed him and the fucker is good. this is one of his instrumental songs.

and one with Shirley Collins.

and 24 more to go! i'll admit the only bands/people on that list that i listen to are iron and wine, nick drake, and devendra.

i started watching mel brooks' movies recently. jessica introduced him and his movies to me. not like he's alive or anything. ok he is. but em. nvm. fucking funny i tell you..his movies. dracula : dead and loving is superb. young frankenstein is even better. these are how spoof movies are meant to be made! it's all on youtube in case you're interested.